Titel: MS-DOS Player (2025-01-22) Verfasst am: 22.01.2025, 08:35 Uhr
Site Admin
Anmeldungsdatum: 04. Jul 2004
Beiträge: 12.746
Wohnort: Frankfurt a.M.
Status: Offline
MS-DOS Player emuliert die MS-DOS Eingabeaufforderung auf modernen Betriebssystemen.
MS-DOS Player is emulating the MS-DOS command prompt on recent operating systems.
Fixed MGetVdmPointer and VdmMapFlat. Without checking whether memory actually exists at the specified address, Returns a pointer based on the beginning of memory.
Fixed VDDInstallMemoryHook. It is now possible to hook up the address where the memory actually resides. However, it doesn't really work.